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My research is interested in an educational model called Arts Immersion that uses the study and studio practice of art as a vehicle through which interdisciplinary investigations and learning can occur. In this model, students engage themselves with authentic art making in a variety of art forms, and through the process of engaging with artistic modes of thinking and creating are presented with relevant and emergent concepts that further their understanding of topics from a broad sphere of subjects.


This model of learning is related to philosophies used by proponents of Reggio Emilia and creative inquiry, and differentiates itself from models of arts integration by rooting itself in ark making, rather than curricular goals from other subject areas. It is a model of education that I practice in my own teaching, and one that I believe has the potential to engage and motivate students in inclusive, meaningful, contextual, and cross-curricular learning. 


Arts Immersion: Using the arts as a vehicle for interdisciplinary learning. 



Immersion and Emergence in an Arts-based Classroom: How Arts Immersion Facilitates Interdisciplinary Learning. In Canadian Art Teacher 18.1.

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